

Farmakologi Losartan. Losartan merupakan obat antihipertensi golongan penghambat reseptor angiotensin atau angiotensin receptor blocker. Losartan berfungsi menurunkan tekanan darah dan preload jantung. Obat ini biasanya digunakan sebagai terapi.

Losartan is a medicine that lowers blood pressure and treats heart failure and kidney disease. Learn about its benefits, risks, how to take it and when to avoid it.

Losartan adalah obat dari kelas antagonis reseptor angiotensin II. Obat ini bekerja dengan cara memblokir efek angiotensin II, yang merupakan zat yang diproduksi pembuluh darah yang dapat menyebabkan pembuluh darah menyempit.

Losartan adalah obat untuk menurunkan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. O bat ini juga digunakan untuk menangani gagal jantung dan kerusakan ginjal akibat diabetes (nefropati diabetik). Losartan termasuk ke dalam obat golongan angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB).

Losartan digunakan untuk membantu mengobati nyeri dada (angina pektoris), dan menurunkan frekuensi serangan angina (nyeri dada). Dosis & Cara Penggunaan. Losartan termasuk ke dalam golongan obat keras, sehingga pada setiap pembelian dan penggunaannya harus menggunakan resep Dokter. Hipertensi Dewasa: 50 mg setiap hari.

Losartan is a medication that relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. It is used to treat hypertension, diabetes, and prevent strokes. Learn about its dosage, precautions, warnings, and possible side effects.

Losartan is an orally active agent that undergoes substantial first-pass metabolism by cytochrome P450 enzymes. It is converted, in part, to an active carboxylic acid metabolite that is responsible for most of the angiotensin II receptor antagonism that follows losartan treatment. Losartan metabolites have been identified in human plasma and urine.

Losartan is a generic prescription medication used to treat high blood pressure, diabetic nephropathy, and lower the risk of stroke. It can cause side effects, some of which are more common, mild, or serious. Learn about the potential side effects of losartan, how to manage them, and how they compare with other drugs.

Losartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB). It works by blocking a substance in the body that causes blood vessels to tighten. As a result, losartan relaxes the blood vessels. A lower blood pressure will increase the supply of the blood and oxygen to the heart.

Learn how to take losartan, a medicine for high blood pressure, stroke prevention, and diabetic nephropathy. Find out the dosage, side effects, precautions, and storage tips from Mayo Clinic.

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